fixed blade full tang knife, fixed blade knife with sheath, best gifts for Hunters and chefs (men & women). It’s a multipurpose easy-to-use knife for women’s and men’s outdoor gear. The knife can be used in Kitchen, Camping tools, Hunting, Fishing, outdoor knife, hiking knife, and camping knives & tools & everyday use High carbon Steel Knife is a Full Tang Knife and a great hunting gift & camping gift. This Vertical carry perfect size knife is one of the best tools The blade has a hardness of 56-58 HRC which holds the sharp edge for a long time. It is forged in a specific way to achieve high hardness and beautiful & unique blade patterns. The blade is lightweight, compliments the handle in maintaining balance, and helps to reduce fatigue and pains on your fingers after use with comfort while providing you with great comfort. High Carbon Steel Knife comes with a top-quality extra thick genuine leather sheath knife holster made of Bull Ski, makings it perfect for outdoor activities. The leather sheath and the knife both are handmade Overall Length: 8inch Blade Length:4.5inch Handle Length: 3.5 inch Blade Material: 1095 CARBON STEEL Weight: 290G Handle Material: wood Blade Thickens: 4.5 mm Leather pouch: Real Leather Sheath
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I have never been disappointed with this knife. Great feel and balance, a beautiful finish, very sharp. Nice price!
Bigger than what I was expecting but I don't know what was really expecting 😂 but overall it a good knife used it stays sharp no complaints here.
The knife is well made. The sheath is of really high quality. I suggest buying it.
Very sleek looking, and gets the job done.
It's a good knife and I have no complaints. Great value for the money.
Got this for my 17 year old grandsons 17th birthday and he LOVES IT ‼️‼️‼️
Just what I wanted.
It's sturdy, it stays sharp, and it's a great knife for my bushcraft needs.
Perfect size for grandson's camping back pack.
The knife is solid. Sheath was also of high quality.